Thursday, June 04, 2009

im touched k!!! u should be touched too cause i called u before 12!! hahaha.. hope ur mum get well soon!! scared me with your sms!!

thurs class was canceled but somebody woke me up damn early today!! suppose to collect my kimchi at 9.30 but woke me up before 8.30!! went back to sleep till 9..  suppose to meet at 930 but push forward to 9!!

went to school to collect my yearbook.. senghui admitted he cant find my tumb drive!! very sad!! gosh i feel like crying!!! no mood to eat kimchi!!! i tell u if u seeing this right now if u found my tumb drive u better keep my tumb drive in a save place during the hols!! 

hahaha!!! i love surprises!!! suprise shiyun today.. we spoilt market!!! im always doing that!!! she loves us so much!! me and nikki came out with this plan got lays to joined us!!! she didnt even realise that something was fishy untill the cake was a few steps away from her.

shiyun didnt even realise anything!! she damn blur she thought i was with nikki to do another of our friend present!!! almost get tears this time but was ruined by the manager!!!!

me and lays carried the cake with the ligted candle outside of jurong point till swensen.. we stopped at icing room asked for a change of candle cause it was so tiny!!!

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